Have you ever felt like you wanted to connect with your spiritual side more but couldn't decide where to start? Have you ever felt like there was something 'more' but couldn't figure out what it was? Chances are, you are experiencing or close to your spiritual awakening, a time of acknowledging your higher self! The Spiritual Development bath has been created to assist you in your spiritual journey, help those looking to develop their divination abilities, and bring you closer to the spirit realm (God, Source, Spirit Guardians, etc.).
Q) What is a Spiritual Tea Bath (STB)? - A type of herbal-infused bath with a specific intention, or purpose, behind it.
Q) How do you take a STB? - Spiritual Tea Baths are not the same as ordinary baths or showers. They are a type of ritual that requires time and focus. The typical way to take a Spiritual Tea Bath is to dedicate a minimum of ten (10) minutes, ideally thirty (30) minutes, soaking in warm to hot (whatever is comfortable & you can tolerate) water while meditating/focuses on the intention of the bath. After soaking, a rinse with clean water is required to "wash away" barriers or obstacles that would prevent the intention from being manifested.
Q) Do I have to sit/soak in a tub for a STB? - Preferably, yes, but there is a "steaming" alternative. For the alternate method, you can place the bath pouch at the drain and allow the steam to wash over you. Or you can simply secure the bath pouch to the shower head and stand away from the flowing water, still wafting the steam over yourself.
UNI101 Spiritual Development Spiritual Tea Bath
Ingredients may vary for the same type of Spiritual Tea Bath. This variation is due to hand-collection of certain ingredients which means it may be unavailable at the time a specific product was made. The variation in ingredients does not change the intention (goal/purpose) of the bath. All Spiritual Tea Baths contain the same number of ingredients.