Welcome to UNI101
If you've stumbled upon this site... chances are... you're a seeker. What's a seeker? I'm glad you asked. The following is the definition according to Google Dictionary by Oxford Language : seeker - a person who is attempting to find or obtain something.
I'm a seeker too! So, what am I searching for? Simply put... Freedom. A place free from manmade constraints that limit our realization of who we are. A place free to enquire, learn, explore, and tap into the forgotten art of BEING. Not just being, or just existing, but truly embracing our true "nature or essence" on a spiritual level through any or all gifts others would deem evil, such as mediumship, clairvoyance, divination, etc.
If you're inclined to stay and take a look around, I lovingly welcome you!
~ Namaste ~
"The Divine Within Me Bows to the Same Divine Within You"